Mincemeat Cookies ~ The Old Fashioned Way

Mincemeat Cookies ~ The Old Fashioned Way by Amos Miller

3 votes
Prep 10 min - Cook 12 min
Apple Crisp – Microwave Quick!

Apple Crisp – Microwave Quick! by Salad Foodie

3 votes
Prep 25 min - Cook 14 min
Apfelkuchen (German Apple Cake) with Almond Apple Cake Variation

Apfelkuchen (German Apple Cake) with Almond Apple Cake Variation by Salad Foodie

5 votes
Prep 25 min - Cook 30 min
Strawberry and Rhubarb Tapioca Pudding

Strawberry and Rhubarb Tapioca Pudding by Salad Foodie

2 votes
Prep 20 min - Cook 10 min
Swedish Apple Pie

Swedish Apple Pie by Salad Foodie

1 vote
Prep 25 min - Cook 40 min
Crowd-wowing Flat Apple Pie!

Crowd-wowing Flat Apple Pie! by Salad Foodie

3 votes
Prep 1.5 hours - Cook 1 hours
Apple Harvest Cake

Apple Harvest Cake by Salad Foodie

2 votes
Prep 25 min - Cook 55 min
Danish Apple Pudding

Danish Apple Pudding by Salad Foodie

1 vote
Prep 30 min - Cook 1.25 hours
Quick & Easy Fruit Compote with Vanilla Sauce (and a no-added sugar or low-sugar variation)

Quick & Easy Fruit Compote with Vanilla Sauce (and a no-added sugar or low-sugar variation) by Salad Foodie

3 votes
Prep 10 min - Cook 5 min
Potluck Apricot Cobbler

Potluck Apricot Cobbler by Salad Foodie

1 vote
Prep 30 min - Cook 25 min
Date and Walnut Chews

Date and Walnut Chews by Salad Foodie

1 vote
Prep 20 min - Cook 25 min
Blueberry Buckle

Blueberry Buckle by Salad Foodie

1 vote
Prep 20 min - Cook 40 min
Ruby Red Strawberry Pie

Ruby Red Strawberry Pie by Salad Foodie

1 vote
Prep 15 min
Triple Berry Skillet Cake

Triple Berry Skillet Cake by Chris

1 vote
Prep 20 min - Cook 30 min
Apricot Clafoutis copyright 2011 art of living.PrimaMedia,Inc/Maria Liberati

Apricot Clafoutis copyright 2011 art of living.PrimaMedia,Inc/Maria Liberati by maria liberati

5 votes
Prep 15 min - Cook 30 min