Oxtails and Mushroom Mirepoix in Red Wine Reduction

Oxtails and Mushroom Mirepoix in Red Wine Reduction by Smokinhotchef

2 votes
Prep 8 hours - Cook 4 1/2 hours
Grub Rubbed and Smoked Corned Beef Brisket

Grub Rubbed and Smoked Corned Beef Brisket by Smokinhotchef

2 votes
Prep 6 hours - Cook 7 hours
Five Star Confetti Meatloaf

Five Star Confetti Meatloaf by Smokinhotchef

1 vote
Prep 15 min - Cook 40 min
Succulent Braised Oxtails with Celery and Onion

Succulent Braised Oxtails with Celery and Onion by Smokinhotchef

1 vote
Prep 5 min - Cook 4 hours
Grilled Turf w/Gorgonzola and Apricot Jam

Grilled Turf w/Gorgonzola and Apricot Jam by Smokinhotchef

1 vote
Prep 10 min - Cook 15 min