• Turkey Broth

    1 vote
    I love making soup in the Fall and Winter months, something about the process I find really relaxing. I always start the process by making homemade stock, whether it is chicken, turkey, pork or beef. I like that fact that I can add whatever flavors I like and can control the salt content, also I try to avoid added chemicals and stabilizers in the canned and boxed broths


    • 1 Turkey Carcass, including skin, and whatever drippings are left in the pan after roasting
    • 4 celery sticks
    • 4 carrots
    • 1 Yellow onion sliced into rings (keep the outer dry skin)
    • Salt and peppercorns
    • Any other veggies you have laying around (I threw in a tomato)
    • Cold Water


    1. Place your carcass, skin and drippings into a soup pot or large pot of any kind
    2. *Add your celery, carrots, onion skins,onion, salt, a handful of peppercorns and whatever else you wish
    3. *Add very cold water to the cooking vessel depending on size to a few inches below the rim
    4. *Start on high and when it starts to boil, turn it to low setting and let cook for 8 to 20 hours. (I leave mine on overnight with the lid on)
    5. *You want it to just barely simmer, stir on occasion
    6. After cooking strain into a large bowl, refrigerate overnight and the next morning skim the fat off the top
    7. ****The key to keeping you and your family safe is NOT to put the hot stock directly into your fridge, that can be dangerous. I fill my sink with cold water and ice and let it cool down, then transfer to the fridge******
    8. You are ready to use or freeze, I use either a gallon ziplock or the soup take out containers which I save for this purpose

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