• Mesquite Corn Bread

    1 vote


    • 7/8 cup all-purpose flour
    • 7/8 cup yellow corn meal
    • 1/4 cup mesquite flour
    • 1/4 cup sugar
    • 2 teaspoons baking powder
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 1 cup milk
    • 1/4 cup canola oil
    • 1 egg, beaten


    I find myself in the enviable situation of having two kinds of mesquite flour in the house. I did a taste test and was very surprised at the difference. I found that the Skeleton Creek flour had a lightly sweet nutty taste and aroma, but the Casa de Fruta had a much more intense flavor and bouquet. It made me think of chocolate and raisins; no kidding, it smelled like a Cadbury Fruit and Nut Bar. So for this recipe, I decided on Casa de Fruta.

    I bought the Skeleton Creek at a farmers market, and don't get me wrong; I'm not writing them off. It's their mix I used to make mesquite pancakes which the whole family loved. We enjoyed them so much that my mother is now harvesting mesquite beans beans which we will take to a Native Harvest grinding event this fall. If any of my HCB buddies would like a sample bag of mesquite flour, let me know.

    Casa de Fruta is available online and in several retail locations. I bought this bag at Whole Foods. I've corresponded with a mesquite expert from this company, so I know that they use a different process in preparing the flour.

    This was a fun experiment. I just substituted 1/2 cup of mesquite flour for part of the all-purpose flour in the recipe that was on the back of the corn meal box, but I've changed the recipe below to use only 1/4 cup - the mesquite flavor was a little too strong for my taste. I've read that you can substitute mesquite for up to 1/4 of the wheat flour, but I think I'll stick to 1/8 in the future. I'm looking for the subtle addition of flavor that I found in the mesquite pancake mix. (You can't totally replace the all-purpose flour because the mesquite flour is gluten free, as is the corn meal, I believe.)



    Heat oven to 400 degrees. Grease an 8 or 9 inch pan. (I wanted to try out my small, 6 inch cast iron pan; there was enough batter for the small frying pan and 8 muffins.) Combine dry ingredients, stir in liquids, mixing just until dry ingredients are moistened. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until light brown and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

    Serves 9

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