• Halloween Snack Mix

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    • 10 cups fresh popped popcorn
    • 1/2 cup chocolate chips
    • 1/2 cup roasted peanuts
    • 1/2 cup raisins
    • Nutrients per 1-cup of snack mix: Calories: 138; Total Fat: 6.3g; Carbohydrate: 18.1g; Fiber: 2.7g Sugars: 10.4g; Protein: 3.2g


    Halloween Snack Mix

    Halloween is Halloween.

    I absolutely ‘let’ my kids eat candy on Halloween but I also make sure they still eat a nutritious breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    My goal is to always put the focus on what we do get in our diets vs. what we think we should be removing and the same goes for my family on Halloween.

    Fresh popped popcorn, roasted peanuts, raisins and chocolate chips = a sweet and salty snack mix that satisfies a sweet tooth without going over board with all the sugar and processed ingredients.

    We plan to be in and out on Halloween, with a handful of friends and family stopping by throughout the afternoon and evening, so my plan is to have a big pot of turkey and veggie chili on the stove, fresh cut veggies and hummus on the table, and a few bowls of this snack mix all throughout the house.

    What’s your strategy for Halloween? Do you try to have a game plan? Or do you tend to just go with the day?

    Halloween Snack Mix

    Yield: 12 cups

    Prep Time: 10 minutes

    Cook Time: 5 minutes

    Total Time: 15 minutes



    Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Enjoy!

    Nutritional Analysis

    Nutrients per 1-cup of snack mix: Calories: 138; Total Fat: 6.3g; Carbohydrate: 18.1g; Fiber: 2.7g Sugars: 10.4g; Protein: 3.2g

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