• Fire *Cracker* Crackers

    1 vote


    • 1 box saltine crackers (4 sleeves)
    • 1 cup vegetable
    • 1 (1 ounce) packet ranch dressing mix
    • 2 tablespoons crushed red pepper flakes (I used less)
    • 1⁄2 teaspoon garlic powder


    This recipe is fantastic. I have been controlling myself so I am still eating them off and on now going on three weeks. I love these little devils. They are salty and fiery and addicting so I will say with full disclosure that you have been warned.

    I didn’t have the right size container that this recipe calls for so I simply used a freezer zip bag. As you can tell in the picture they fit well for the most part. I think I ended up leaving a few crackers out, in order to get the bag closed without damaging any crackers. It was no big deal.

    Your initial reaction when making this recipe will be … “How on earth do these crackers not get soggy, and will this oil ever absorb”? It will work out perfectly I promise just follow the directions. Yes it’s a lot of oil. Yes probably a lot of calories. I didn’t bother to check. I made these for a new year’s party. I doubled the recipe so they went really far but they are so good we were only left with about a half of a bag. Yes, I have been hoarding them. Ha! Enjoy!



    Line crackers on ends (stacked upright in rows) in an air-tight container or a zipbag.

    In a small bowl, mix oil, dressing mix, peppers, and garlic powder.

    Stir until all ingredients are well mixed.

    Continue to stir to prevent the pepper from settling on the bottom of the bowl.

    Spoon mixture evenly over crackers, like drizzling icing on a cake, or by lazy like me and just pour the entire bowl in the zipbag and then close it up.

    Close lid tightly and flip the container over every 5 minutes for about 20 minutes. Lightly shake back and forth to make sure all the crackers are coated.

    Original Recipe Source


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