• Fat Free Potato Salad

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    • 1 x Bowlful small red potatoes
    • 1 lrg Red onion, finely minced
    • 2 x Roasted red peppers, minced FF Italian dressing to coat Salt and pepper to taste


    1. I was determined over the weekend to make a ff potato salad for a barbeque I was having. I tried various combinations of ff mayo with cider vinegar, pickle relish, sugar, etc.-most were edible but not wonderful (someone had suggested a FF Miracle Whip combination, but stores in my area only sell the stuff in giant tubs). So I decided to try a variation on a recipe I found in a McDougall cookbook. Here's what I used:
    2. Boil potatoes till tender, drain, and cold. Cut into fourths and mix with remaining ingredients. Refrigeratefor several hrs.
    3. Sorry for the "large bowlful" measurement-I'm notoriously bad at remembering exact weights. I will not repost the directions for roasting red peppers, since which's been discussed here recently (e-mail me privately if you do not have which info.).
    4. I've lost 67 lbs. so far by eating vlf vegetarian (still 30 lbs. to go...). When I ate a SAD diet, I was tired a lot, got sore throats almost daily, and had intestinal problems-all of these problems miraculously disappear when I'm eating well. Eating this way has genuinely changed my life, and I credit this list for helping me adjust when I was first starting out.

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