• Cauliflower Peas Kurma

    1 vote


    • Cauliflower- 1nos
    • Peas-1 cup
    • Onion - 2 ,grated
    • Tomato- 1 ,grated
    • Turmeric pwd-1/4 tsp
    • Chilli pwd-1/2 tsp
    • Garam Masala-1/4 tsp
    • Coriander Pwd-1/4 tsp
    • Kashmiri Chilli pwd- 1/4 tsp(optional)
    • Salt as needed
    • Oil- 2 tbsp
    • Coriander leaves - 1 tbsp,chopped finely
    • To Grind
    • Poppy seeds-1/4 tsp
    • Cashewnut-4 nos
    • Grind the poppy seeds and cashew nut first then add the rest of the ingredients given below and make them as a paste by adding little water.
    • 3. Green chilly- 1
    • 4. Garlic-2 pod
    • 5. Ginger - 1/2 tsp
    • 6. Coconut-1 tbsp
    • Whole Garam Masala
    • Cinnamon -1 small stick
    • Caradamom - 3 nos
    • Clove- 2 nos


    I prepared this simple yet delicious curry.It was perfect to restaurant style.I tried grating onions and tomato, it was awesome gravy.You dont feel the rawness of the onion.You add little onion ,adding too much spoil the taste of the gravy,

    I grinded poppy seeds and cashew first,so that poppy seeds becomes fine, then added all the other ingredients and ground into smooth paste adding little water.

    Serve with any roti or rice of your choice.

    Serves : 4

    Cooking Time : 30min


    Bayleaf- 2nos


    Blanch the cauliflower and peas.

    Heat oil in a kadai,add the whole garam masala ,when it spluters add the grated onion and saute till it turns golden.

    Now add the grinded paste and saute in medium flame for 1min.

    Add the cauliflower and peas and mix it well and cook for 1min.

    Now addthe grated tomato ,salt and all the spice powder and mix it well.Cook in medium flame for 5min.

    Then add 1 1/2 cup of water(depending upon the consistency of gravy you want ,u can add more water) and let it boil for 10min ,till the raw smell goes.

    Simmer it completely and cook it for 10min.

    Garnish with chopped coriander leaves.

    Sending this to Susans event My Legume Love Affair - 61 passed on to Lisa Kitchens hosted by My Diverse Kitchen

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