• Brussel Sprouts with Truffle Butter

    2 votes


    • 1 pound Brussel Sprouts trimmed and halved
    • 3 tablespoons truffle butter
    • 1/4 cup panko bread crumbs
    • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
    • 1 tablespoon salt
    • 1/2 teaspoon pepper


    Brussel Sprouts with Truffle Butter

    This is the quintessential vegetable that is served at most Thanksgiving dinners. Why you ask? I think it is because like pumpkins, they are in season. Why relegate these tiny cabbages to only Thanksgiving? Just like a lot of other vegetables we think we have to cook them to death. Not so. I boil mine to crisp tender and then fry them in a pan with some truffle butter. It is a very luxurious treatment for a humble vegetable, but I think it is worth it. The addition of vinegar gives it a light sour bite that goes so very well with this vegetable.

    Brussels Sprouts with Truffle Butter



    In a large pot of boiling water cook Brussels Sprouts until tender about 5 minutes.

    Drain thoroughly, cut Brussels Sprouts in half length wise and set aside.

    Melt truffle butter in a large heavy bottomed skillet over medium heat.

    Add Brussels Sprouts and increase heat to high. Cook stirring often until sprouts are browned, about 3 minutes.

    Sprinkle bread crumbs over sprouts and stir to combine.

    Add vinegar and season with salt and pepper.

    Peace be with you,


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    • Kristi Rimkus
      Kristi Rimkus
      I have to share this recipe with my daughter. She's discovered a love for brussels sprouts and can't get enough of them.

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