1 vote
    After searching endless hours for the right recipe for watermelon preserves I came across a very old cookbook handed down to me from my grandmother... well needless to say this is by far the best preserves I have ever eaten,, do hope you try this recipe and enjoy it.. it's yummy!


    • 2 qts.prepared rind
    • 8 cups granulated sugar
    • 2 lemons sliced thin
    • 1 tbsp.slack lime
    • 1 pint water
    • 1/3 cup salt
    • 4 or 5 pieces of ginger root
    • 1/2 grated pineapple


    1. pare watermelon rind, soak 5to 6 hours in lime and salt water.
    2. cook until tender or until can be pierced with a fork easily.
    3. drain off all water
    4. add equal amounts of rind and sugar, the slices of lemon and ginger
    5. now add about a pint of water and simmer until amber color
    6. watch that the syrup does not boil away
    7. add grated pineapple,simmer 10 more minutes
    8. pack in air tight jars

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