• Watermelon Agua Fresca

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    • 4 generous cups of cubed watermelon (seeded, if not using a seedless watermelon)
    • 1 1/2 cups cold water
    • Juice of 2 limes
    • Mint sprigs
    • Honey, agave, or simple syrup*


    You know those people who say they don’t like to drink their calories? Well, I totally do like to drink my calories. Not always–I mean, I generally don’t drink sugary sodas (unless I’ve got a massive headache or when I’m pregnant and there is nothing in the world more delicious than a cup filled to the top with crushed ice and a can of Coke), but when it comes to mocktails? Dirty Diet Cokes? Brazilian lemonade? Mint Limeade? I’ll happily drink those in lieu of lunch (because, let’s face it, lunch is hard for stay-at-home-moms. At least it is for this one. Some days it’s easier to pour a glass of Brazilian Lemonade and pretend I’m on a beach while I finish off the PB&J crusts.)

    If you’ve never had an agua fresca, basically, it’s water flavored with fresh fruit, sometimes some herbs, and sweetened with a little sugar, simple syrup, honey, agave, etc. to taste. My kids thought it was kind of weird to drink something flavored with actual watermelon without the actual watermelon, but I think they’re weird, so we’re all good.

    For this particular agua fresca, I’m using 4 generous cups of cubed watermelon (seeded, if you’re not using a seedless watermelon), water, the juice of a few limes, a simple syrup made with equal parts sugar and water, boiled with a handful of mint leaves, and then a few mint leaves for a garnish.

    Place watermelon and water in a blender

    and blend for about 30 seconds.

    Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. Add lime juice and sweeten to taste with honey, agave, or simple syrup. Serve over ice with mint sprigs. Makes 4-6 servings.

    If you’re still looking for Cinco de Mayo recipes, check out our Latin section–it’s one of our more popular locations, haha!

    Watermelon Agua Fresca

    Recipe by Our Best Bites


    *I use simple syrup made of 1 cup water mixed with 1 cup sugar. If desired, you can add a small handful of mint leaves or a halved jalapeño. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, then allow to cool and remove any solids.


    Place watermelon and water in a blender and blend for about 30 seconds. Strain through a fine-mesh strainer. Add lime juice and sweeten to taste with honey, agave, or simple syrup. Serve over ice with mint sprigs. Makes 4-6 servings.

    Also. You guys totally rocked it in the olive oil department–we sold out of our Flavor Variety Gift Sets in less than 36 hours! We have more on the way, but they won’t be here for a few more weeks (but we’ll re-stock the store and let y’all know when they’re available!) Thank you guys SO MUCH for being so amazing! That said, if you’re still looking for Mother’s Day gifts, our other olive oil flavors are still available and if you order by MIDNIGHT on Wednesday, May 7, they’ll be there by the big day!

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