• Simple Snack Kids Can Make: Hydrating Watermelon Slushie Recipe (No Added Sugar!)

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    Jump to Recipe My ten-year-old son wrapped up his soccer season in late spring. His last game was a make-up game that had been moved to early June. And it was HOT. It was an intense game where all of the kids were playing hard. My son, in particular, was going all out (in typical Active Eater fashion). He pushed himself as hard as he could and scored the final goal to tie the game and finish the season undefeated. His adrenaline was pumping, and his emotions were running high (as was all the fans’!) When the game was over he came to me beaming with excitement…quickly followed by a look of almost panic and tears. He looked as if he might pass out. Being a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner I quickly stepped in and took action. I had him sit down, reassured him he was fine, and gave him the following: water juice (thank goodness we brought leftover juice boxes from a party!) salty snack It didn’t take long for his smile and usual demeanor to return. Why is Hydration Important? What was happening? And why did that work? There were two things happening at once. dehydration adrenal exhaustion My son had played almost the entire second half without a break. Which meant no hydration. On top of that when he did drink it was just plain water. That is a recipe for disaster. Hydration is important not only when you are active and sweating, but every single day. Water is actually the most important nutrient in your body! But in order to properly absorb and utilize it, you need minerals. A water decrease of just 2% can lead to: headaches anxiety irritability cramps If it gets worse, dehydration can lead to: heartburn back pain constipation colitis These are just a few examples to show you how important it is to properly hydrate. Adding minerals to water will also help prevent over-hydration. Healthy Summer Snack to Support Adrenal Health But it wasn’t just about the water. My son had a double whammy at his soccer game. Actually, he had trouble every single time he played soccer. He is in a double exhaustion pattern with very weak adrenals (something I never would have known if I hadn’t done Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis for him!). After every practice and game, my son had to spend a lot of time resting the next day. Otherwise, we all had to contend with: anger mood swings aggressive behavior inability to follow directions We all felt his adrenal exhaustion! The sad thing is that so many kids are in the exact same situation as my son. But they don’t know it. And neither do their parents. So they all suffer…while continuing to push through life at a fast pace. Which only compounds the problem. The goal of Smart Sweets: 30 Desserts to Indulge Your Sweet Tooth is to give you options that are way better for you than you’ll find in the grocery store, usually better for you than another homemade version, and sometimes downright good for you. You’ll find less sugar, healthier sweeteners, whole grains, soaked and sprouted grains, no grains, probiotics, and even some vegetables in these dessert recipes. If you always feel guilty when you give into sweet things, this book is definitely for you. A child in adrenal exhaustion needs a lot of rest and nutritional support. Two minerals in particular control adrenal function: sodium potassium When I gave my son water, juice, and a salty snack at his soccer game I wasn’t just randomly giving him food and drink. It was very intentional. I was trying to get sodium and potassium in his system quickly. His gas tank was on E, and he could feel it. Which is why he had a look of panic on his face. When your adrenals crash, you notice it! He could barely even stand up. We knew he was struggling prior to his final game, but that was our wake-up call. He needs serious adrenal support. Now we are very intentional about giving him plenty of sodium and potassium every day, along with adequate rest (hooray for summer!). Sometimes it’s in the form of a simple adrenal cocktail. But sometimes we go for a really fun snack to support adrenal health. Healthy Watermelon Slushie Recipe Watermelon slushies are perfect for summer hydration and adrenal support! Watermelon is a great source of both potassium and Vitamin C – two important nutrients for adrenal function. Combine that with coconut water (loaded with potassium) and Real Salt (sodium), and you’ve got the most delicious hydrating drink around. As an added bonus you don’t even need to add any sweetener! Watermelon’s natural sweetness is sufficient. Print Description A sweet summer drink for kids that supports both hydration and adrenal health. Ingredients Units USM 1 cup cubed watermelon 1 cup ice cubes (about 6 large) 1/4 cup coconut water 1/8 tsp. unrefined sea salt (Use the code kitchenstewardship for 15% off of your first purchase) 1/8 tsp. wholefood Vitamin C (camu or acerola) 1 Tbsp. grassfed collagen (optional) 1 Tbsp. honey (optional – if watermelon is underripe) Instructions Add all ingredients to a high-powered blender. Blend until desired consistency (totally smooth for young children, some ice bits remaining for older kids). Pour and serve immediately. Notes You can freeze the watermelon first to make the slushie thicker. If the slushie melts you can pour it into popsicle molds and freeze for a frozen treat. The recipe can easily be doubled. Nutrition Serving Size: 1 cup Calories: 63 Sugar: 9g Sodium: 173mg Fat: 0g Saturated Fat: 0g Unsaturated Fat: 0g Trans Fat: 0g Carbohydrates: 12g Fiber: 1g Protein: 4g Cholesterol: 0mg Keywords: summer snack, smoothie, frozen treat, dessert Need a little help getting healthy food on the table every day? Real Plans takes the stress out of meal planning and puts the nourishing food BACK on your table. There’s a plan for every diet type, including GAPS, Paleo, AIP, Whole30, vegetarian and more! You remain totally in control: use your own recipes, accept theirs, and teach the system what your family likes…Check out how powerful it is here! Healthy Snacks Kids Can Make Another positive about watermelon slushies is that kids can make them! No cooking is required. Simply add the ingredients, blend, and pour. My 13-year-old Adventurous Eater was more than happy to make this treat for her siblings. Anything new and fun is a win. Even if your kids aren’t quite old enough to use the blender, they can still make some healthy and fun snacks that support adrenal health. Here are a few: salted watermelon (sounds odd, tastes amazing) sliced banana topped with sun butter and Real Salt ants on a log with a pinch of Real Salt dates with sliced cheese whole-milk yogurt with a drizzle of molasses organic corn chips dipped in smashed avocado with a pinch of Real Salt Easy Summer Hydration for Kids Hydration is important every day. But you really have to be intentional in the summer when kids are playing outside and sweating more. Sometimes plain water is sufficient. But sometimes you need a mineral boost in your drink in order to absorb fluids. Some simple hydrating drinks for kids include: homemade pink lemonade homemade electrolyte drink salted chocolate milk brain-booster milkshake iced cocoa Just remember that sodium and potassium are key when it comes to hydration. You can find more tips on keeping kids hydrated HERE. Adrenal Function in Kids Although it’s never fun to learn the hard way, my son is now very aware of how important adrenal health really is. He has seen the data on his HTMA (learn more about this powerful test HERE). He has experienced the fatigue that comes from adrenal exhaustion. And now he knows how to properly hydrate and support his adrenals. At ten years old he is empowered to take ownership of his health! Weak adrenals don’t define him. He knows that with proper nutrition (like watermelon slushies) and rest he can get his body back to full strength so he can be the carefree kid he wants to be! And the soccer player he wants to be!! Enjoying watermelon slushies is a fun way to both support adrenal function and hydrate! Get in the kitchen and let your kids help make some today. Do your kids understand how to properly hydrate in the heat? Facebook Twitter Pinterestshares

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