• Roasted Cauliflower

    4 votes
    Roasted Cauliflower
    Prep: 10 min Cook: 20 min Servings: 2
    by tigerfish
    540 recipes
    Good as snacks


    • blanched cauliflower florets, dried on kitchen paper towels; [Seasonings]: pinch of cumin, fennel, turmeric, paprika/cayenne pepper, salt and black pepper, a little butter; 1-2 tsp cornflour; some butter to "oil" the roasting pan


    1. Add cauliflower florets into deep mixing bowl, sprinkle seasonings (including a little butter) over, cover the bowl and mix well ("shake shake shake") to thoroughly season the vegetable (Note: you can add everything to Ziploc bag, make sure it is sealed tight, then shake the bag to marinate the vegetable). Add cornflour, mix them well with seasoned cauliflower and make sure cornflour thoroughly coats the cauliflower (see above photos). Preheat oven to 400°F, then roast the vegetables for 15 - 20 minutes, or until the cauliflower is lightly browned and turns golden.

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    • Foodessa
      Great idea about roasting as opposed to frying.
      I leave the frying to my Mom-in-law ;0)
      I was just important is keeping the corn flour in the recipe? I was actually thinking of skipping that part?!?
      Thanks for sharing your the pic too!
      Flavourful wishes, Claudia
      • Suzanna

        Sounds like it would taste great!

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