• Pear & Fig Chutney

    10 votes
    Pear & Fig Chutney
    Prep: 10 min Cook: 50 min Servings: 8
    by Amos Miller
    101 recipes
    I still had a few pears from the orchard and the figs are almost finished. Why not a Pear & Fig chutney? Easily done! This is everything a chutney should be. The flavors of the pears, combined with the figs' texture and sweetness, the plump raisins and blend of vinegars easily marry to the aromatic spices. And a quality cracked black pepper brings just the right amount of bite to the dish. And, yes, AWESOME with certain bold cheeses... This recipe will produce about 12 oz. of very useful fruit chutney.


    • 6 pears, peeled, ends removed, quartered and seeded (I use Bartletts)
    • 8 figs, stems removed, and cut in half (I use either Brown Turkey or Kadota)
    • 1/4 C raisins, golden seedless (large, if possible)
    • 1 C honey (we use raw MIchigan wildflower)
    • 1/4 C apple cider vinegar
    • 1/4 C balsamic vinegar
    • 1/2 tsp ground cloves
    • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
    • 1/2 tsp ground allspice
    • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
    • 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper (preferable Tellicherry)


    1. In a medium saucepan, place the pears, figs, vinegars and heat over medium for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    2. Add all the spices and the honey and bring to a boil, stirring frequently to combine and prevent caramelization
    3. Reduce to a simmer and stir occasionally to reduce the liquids, about 20 minutes
    4. Add the black pepper and stir for another 15 minutes
    5. When the mixture has thickened to a jammy consistency, you can spoon the chutney into 2 pint jars, filling one full and the second half way
    6. Refrigerate for two or three days
    7. Try this on nice slices of ham baked and cut off the bone, most pork cuts and roast lamb, or well-seasoned fowl.

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    • Donna Gray-Davis
      Donna Gray-Davis
      It looks just delicious, Amos. Thanks.
      • Amos Miller
        Amos Miller
        It IS! I do hope you will give it a try and get back to me. Not difficult to pull together and your guests will find it very satisfying. Thanks you, Donna!
      • Patricia Stagich
        Patricia Stagich
        Amos this sounds awesome. I've been looking for a fig relish or chutney to top brie. Thanks for sharing!
        • A.L. Wiebe
          A.L. Wiebe
          This is just what I was looking for! I am attending a wine and cheese party this weekend, and was asked to bring an appetizer platter. Cheese platter, assorted crackers, and this wonderful looking chutney!! Not so boring a platter after all, thanks to you!
          Thanks for sharing, Amos.
          • Amos Miller
            Amos Miller
            A.L. - I hope I hear from you following the event. You know, any of the 3 recipes I have posted work with cheeses. I especially like the Fig with Rosemary & Lemon with blue-veined cheeses. Good luck & get cookin'! best regards - Amos
          • Stacey Maupin Torres
            Stacey Maupin Torres
            I love chutney, and pears are my favorite fruit for winter. What could be better. Plus, the gentle blend of spices makes my mouth extremely happy.

            I made a small batch for myself; now I may do this for holiday gifts too.
            • Ritz Martin
              Ritz Martin
              Will try this as soon as figs appear.


              • Cate Taylor
                Cate Taylor
                This sounds delicious. How long will the chutney last in an unopened jar and how long after opening?
                Thank you
                • Amos Miller
                  Amos Miller
                  Hi, Cate - Thanks for your inquiry! Since this only make a couple o6 6-oz jars of this chutney, Manchego, Camembert, and goat cheeses will pair well with this chutney. Refrigerate both opened and unopened jars and they should retain flavor and quality for at least 6 weeks. An opened jar, if left too long, may 'turn', and should be discarded is you see and form of mould on the surface. The vinegars inhibit mould formation and enhance the spices. This is a chutney for a party, wine tasting, or appetizer tray and you can expect one jar will disappear with a well-planed cheese and meat tray. Be well and enjoy!
                • ShaleeDP
                  This looks nice and interesting.
                  • Amos Miller
                    Amos Miller
                    Hi, Judee - That is EXACTLY what I am serving ot warm up New Year's Eve at our place. I am plating an assortment of cheeses and pairing them with the Pear & Fig Chutney, the Fig with Rosemary & Lemon, and the Fig with Orange & Honey combinations I preserved this Autumn. I am sure the guests will enjoy the comparisons and the pairings. Let me know if you follow through!
                    • judee
                      I am a fig lover and this recipe sounds like an interesting sauce for a variety of uses. I think this would be great with a cheese platter for the holidays!
                      • Amos Miller
                        Amos Miller
                        Hi, Judee - That is EXACTLY what I am serving to warm up New Year's Eve at our place. I am plating an assortment of cheeses and pairing them with the Pear & Fig Chutney, the Fig with Rosemary & Lemon, and the Fig with Orange & Honey combinations I preserved this Autumn. I am sure the guests will enjoy the comparisons and the pairings. Let me know if you follow through!
                      • Amos Miller
                        Amos Miller
                        Stacey - Thanks, so very much! You have given me a wonderful Christmas present with your kind words and positive review. I hope all is well with your family.
                        • Amos Miller
                          Amos Miller
                          Stacey - Thanks, so very much! You have given me a wonderful Christmas present with your kind words and positive review. I hope all is well with your family.
                        • Amos Miller
                          Amos Miller
                          A.L. - I hope I hear from you following the event. You know, any of the 3 recipes I have posted work with cheeses. I especially like the Fig with Rosemary & Lemon with blue-veined cheeses. Good luck & get cookin'! best regards - Amos
                          • Amos Miller
                            Amos Miller
                            Hi, Pat - I like it with appetizer cheeses. Have not tried Brie, but it balances well with some of the stronger cheeses. And very bright with a Manchego. Thanks for the encouragement and great to hear from you, as always!

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