• Making Baby Food: Rice Porridge with Sweet Potato, Spinach and Beef

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    • 1/4 cup of (organic) rice, well rinsed
    • 8-10 (organic) spinach leaves, cleanly washed
    • 1 small (organic) sweet potato, peeled and washed
    • 5-6 small chunks of (organic) beef/diced beef, cleanly washed
    • Water


    Sweet potato is high in Vitamin A, Beta Carotene and Potassium. Spinach is an excellent source of Calcium and Iron. Marrying these two delicious golden vegetable and wonderful leafy green makes a palatable baby food that packs lots of nutrients.

    I included sweet potato and spinach into my baby's rice porridge today and Wow. Just Wow. She finished her small bowl of porridge in no time. I guess it must have been the sweet tastes from the sweet potato that did the trick.

    Give me more, Mama!

    Rice Porridge with Sweet Potato, Spinach and Beef

    Suitable for babies aged 6 months old ++



    Cut or slice sweet potato into small chunks.

    In a pan, pour rice, sweet potato chunks, spinach leaves and beef chunks together. Add lots of water into the pan and cook the porridge in small-medium fire for about 15 minutes. Occasionally stir the porridge and add more water. Keep cooking this porridge for another 20-30 minutes until congee's consistency is achieved (rice turns soft and breaks down), the sweet potato chunks become soft and the spinach leaves turn tender and their colour turns brownish green.

    Before serving this congee to baby, take few spoons of the congee (rice, sweet potato chunks and spinach leaves) and place them in a blender or run them in a strainer.

    Feed the cereal-like rice porridge to baby when it's not too hot.

    Soft rice porridge mixed with sweet potato, spinach and beef.

    Don't forget to stir the porridge as often as you can during the cooking process. I just made a pan of burnt porridge yesterday simply because I didn't stir it often enough and was too busy doing other stuff far from my kitchen. Needless to say, I had to throw all the porridge away. What a waste.

    Need more information and recipes in making baby food using sweet potatoes? Check this article out. Also, read more about mixing spinach into baby food from this article.

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