• Gløgg & Marzipan For A Cold Night

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    • 1 cup almonds
    • 1/2 cup raisins
    • 1/3 cup Port, Cointreau or Rum
    • 1 bottle red wine
    • 1 cup Brandy or Port wine
    • 1/3 cup brown sugar
    • Orange zest from 1 orange and some small cut orange slices
    • 5 cloves
    • 1-2 cinnamon sticks


    The days are getting shorter, the mornings colder and the evenings are really cold.

    Whenever the winter is getting closer I want to curl up on the couch with a fleece blanket and drink Gløgg.

    The Danes are supposedly the happiest people in the world and one of the reasons is that they have invented Hygge. Hygge is a term that describes the state of mind the Danes get into when the days get dark early and they spend time indoors. While other cultures might turn on more lights, blast music and watch television, the Danes light candles, get cozy and eat and drink together. Favorites for this time of the year are Gløgg and marzipan. Well…. there are many favorites – most come in 100 gram bags in the form of Likrish- sweet, salty or hot, but others are cardamom baked rolls, and marzipan just cut with soft Nougat chocolate.

    For the past couple of days I’ve been in the mood for some Gløgg and decided to inspire you all to make and enjoy some as well.

    Basically Gløgg is red wine, warmed with blanched whole almonds, spices and additions to make it perfect for you.

    For 6 servings you need:

    Soak raisins in about 1/2 cup Port, Cointreau or Rum for at least 2 hours.

    Toast the blanched almonds on a dry skillet – I like to keep the almonds whole, but you can also cut them in half.

    In a heavy pot combine all ingredients but the red wine and fresh sliced oranges. Bring to a heat and then reduce the heat and add the red wine. Cook for at least 15 minutes- but don’t boil it. Let it simmer 30 more minutes.

    Serve in clear glasses with a spoonful of raisins and spoonful of almonds. Very recommended to add fresh sliced oranges on top. You can strain the Gløgg so you don’t get all the spices in your glass.

    Why Marzipan you ask? And I say why not?! Probably the best companion for Gløgg, anytime. With chocolate or on its own.

    Enjoy and stay warm….. Let me hear how you

    keep warm and your favorite winter comforts….

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