• FANGST- 206

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      FANGST: WITH HEATHER & CHAMOMILE APPEARANCE: NUTRITION:Energy-1138kjFat- 25,6gProtein- 11,2gSalt- 1,4g PRODUCT OF:Canned in Latvia INGREDIENTS: Smoked Sprats, Cold-pressed rapeseed oil, Salt, Chamomile, Heather OVERALL:A subtle smoke aroma hits you upon opening. The smoke flavor hits you on the first bite, followed by a saltiness (This tin is a beer tin), A medium textured fish, no strong fish flavor or after. A double-layer tin; as I dig on into the tin, the flavor pops, salt balances out other spice profiles makes their appearance. No oil flavor detected. I will be eating these again, 5 Sardines.   FANGST: SMOKED, IN COLD-PRESSED RAPESEED OIL APPEARANCE: NUTRITION:Energy-1152kjFat- 26gProtein- 11,2gSalt- 1,4g PRODUCT OF:Canned in Latvia INGREDIENTS: Smoked Sprats, Cold-pressed rapeseed oil, Salt OVERALL:A faint smoke aroma hits you upon opening. Two layers to tin, twelve fish to the tin. No strong fishy taste or after, Smoke flavor is not overpowering. The saltiness of the fish hits hard. A saltier tin of fish, beer helped balance this issue out. No intense or bitter flavors from the oil. A neutral-tasting oil. I would eat again. 4 Sardines FANGST: IN COLD-PRESSED RAPESEED OIL APPEARANCE: NUTRITION:Energy-1291kjFat- 30,1gProtein- 10,3gSalt- 1,4g PRODUCT OF:Canned in Latvia INGREDIENTS:Cold-pressed rapeseed oil, Salt, Allspice, Cloves  OVERALL:A faint clove aroma upon opening, thirteen little fish to the tin. A medium to soft textured fish, salt hits you a bit after the first bite. No intense flavors or aftertaste. Not a spiny fish; the cloves and salt flavor mask any sardine taste. I would eat again. 4 Sardines 

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