• Crockpot 40 Cloves of Garlic Chicken

    1 vote


    • ::crickets chirp... silence... as we both hesitantly taste a dish made with 40 cloves of garlic::
    • 2 lbs chicken breast (I used bone in)
    • 1 cup fat free chicken broth
    • 1/2 chopped onion
    • 2 tsp paprika
    • 40 cloves of garlic, peeled
    • 2 tsp salt
    • 2 tsp fresh ground pepper
    • Bay leaf


    One night in the recent past:

    Me: John, do you see all this garlic I'm peeling? This is ALL for dinner tomorrow.

    John: Seriously? All of it?

    Me: Yup- all going in the crockpot.

    John: Hmm... interesting... not sure about that...

    The following morning, while we're both at work, through text messages:

    Me: I wonder what our house smells like right now...

    John: If I was a betting man, I'd say pretty pungent.

    Dinner time:

    ::crickets chirp... silence... as we both hesitantly taste a dish made with 40 cloves of garlic::

    ::more silence as we both grunt that it's good and shovel it down our throats::

    ::don't judge us for eating like farm animals... you would too if you were eating this::

    So basically I have nothing more to tell you that you can't infer from the above conversation. This was delicious! I figured that in theory it should cook down to the level of intensity that roasted garlic has, which is subtle but delicious, and it did! We both drizzled the garlic broth over our servings and really enjoyed it. We even used the leftovers in a great panini recipe that I'll be sharing Wednesday. So if you're scared of the 40 cloves of garlic thing... don't be. It's just so flavorful and delicious.

    I should also add that when it was done I removed the chicken and threw in some carrots/green beans and cooked them in the broth on high for about an hour. The green beans lost some of their color but the flavor was great!

    Source: Slightly adapted from Slender Kitchen



    1- Cover the bottom of the crock pot with the chopped onions. Then add in the chicken and sprinkle with salt, pepper, and paprika. Stir the chicken, spices, and onion together with your hands until everything is well coated.

    2-Add the garlic to the crockpot and mix so they are in and around the chicken. Pour in the chicken broth. Add the bay leaf.

    3-Cover and cook on low for 7-8 hours.

    4- When serving, pour the broth over the sliced chicken.

    **4 WW Points+ for 1/6 of the recipe

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