• Broccoli with Kidney Beans

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    • 2 teaspoons chana dhal
    • 1 teaspoon urad dhal
    • 1 teaspoon coriander seeds
    • ½ teaspoon cumin seeds
    • 3 cloves garlic finely chopped
    • ¼ inch piece ginger peeled and finely chopped
    • 1 teaspoon cooking oil
    • few curry leaves
    • 2 cups chopped broccoli
    • 1 10.5 oz can kidney beans
    • 1½ cups water
    • 1 teaspoon chili powder
    • ½ cup chopped tomatoes
    • salt to taste


    Broccoli with kidney beans, sounds strange. I had a small bunch of broccoli which needed to be cooked since it started wilting. So I thought of many ways to cook a new dish with broccoli. I thought of potatoes and broccoli, tofu and broccoli, and kidney beans and broccoli. For some reason I thought of making this dish – broccoli and kidney bean curry. I have never tried broccoli in combination with any other vegetables in making curries. But it came out quite good.



    Dry roast chana dhal, urad dhal, coriander seed, and cumin seed and let cool. Grind them together into a fine powder. Set aside

    Add oil to a covered saucepan and once hot, add ginger and garlic and saute until garlic is lightly golden. Add curry leaves and saute for another 30 seconds.

    Add chopped broccoli, kidney beans, water, chili powder, and salt and cook on medium flame for about 5 minutes.

    Add chopped tomatoes and cook for another one minute. Let stand covered for about 10 minutes before serving (so that the flavor of tomatoes will get incorporated into the curry.)

    Serve warm with Basmati rice or Chapati

    Yields: 4 as a side dish

    Source: Chelvi’s Original

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