• 75 Minute Pizza Dough

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    • 11/2 c. Hot water, about 105 degrees
    • 1 env rapid rise dry yeast
    • 1 Tbsp. Granulated white sugar
    • 2 Tbsp. Extra virgin olive oil
    • 4 c. All purpose flour, plus extra as needed
    • 11/2 tsp Salt
    • Vegetable oil, for oiling bowl


    1. Sometimes you do not have the time to let pizza dough rise at night, nor do you have the forethought to use the slow-rise process and start the dough rising in the morning (using only a fraction of the ordinary amount of yeast). For those occasions, try this especially fast recipe. By using rapid-rise yeast, a hot oven, hot water, and a little sugar, you can make a dough which will rise in only forty min. This means the entire
    2. process of making a pizza can be done in about seventy-five min from
    3. start to finish. Since convenience is the watchword here, all-purpose flour is used instead of bread flour. Although it does not have quite the tenderness or possibly full flavor of dough made using the Master Recipe for Pizza Dough, this dough makes a very good pizza in very little time.
    4. 1. Set oven to 200 degrees for 10 min, then turn oven off.
    5. 2. Meanwhile, in bowl of food processor fifted with either metal or possibly plastic blade, add in water and sprinkle in yeast and sugar. Pulse twice to
    6. dissolve yeast. Add in all other ingredients and process till mix forms cohesive mass. Dough shouldn't be sticky (if it is, add in 2 more Tbsp. flour and pulse briefly) nor should it be dry and crumbly (if it is, add in 1 more Tbsp. water and pulse briefly). Let rest for 2 min. Process for another 30seconds.
    7. 3. Remove dough from food processor and knead by hand on floured work surface for 1 minute or possibly till dough is smooth and satiny (dough will feel a bit tough at this point).
    8. 4. Very lightly oil large bowl with vegetable oil. Place dough in bowl (don't coat dough with oil) and cover with plastic wrap.Place in hot oven.
    9. Let rise for 40 min or possibly till doubled.Remove from oven, punch down, remove from bowl, and separate into two round pcs. Let rest for 10 min under a damp dish towel, then shape, top, and bake in preheated 500-degree oven according to the following chart. Cook pizza an additional 2-3 min after adding cheese, or possibly till cheese is completely melted.
    10. THIN CRUST 14-inch pizzas (recipe makes 2) 7 to 8 min 12-inch pizzas
    11. (recipe makes 4) 5 min 8-inch pizzas (recipe makes 8) 3 min
    12. MEDIUM-THICK CRUST 12-inch pizzas (recipe makes 2) 9 to 10 min 8-inch pizzas (recipe makes 4) 5 min 6-inch pizzas (recipe makes 8) 4 min
    13. Nationality: Italian Season:any Method: baked
    14. Start to Finish 1 1/2 hrs Preparation a minute or possibly less Attention 1 hour Finishing 15 min

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