Nina Timm
Nina Timm
My Easy Cooking
Cape Town, South Africa
Joined February 08, 2010
Advanced Cook
Active Chef, 131 CookEatShare points

About me

I am a stay-at-home mom, wife, want-to-be chef and caterer. I believe I am on this planet called earth to serve rather than to be served. I am my own worst critic and aim only for the best in whatever I do!


  • Peter Brown
    Peter Brown
    Hi Peter from east London
    Used your pork and beans to share on African Connection Group hope you dont mind
    • Jeani Coleman
      Jeani Coleman
      Hi Nina. I'm interested in making your chocolate mousse cake. I've read the recipe over several times and I don't see when you put the ganache on. Do you drizzle it on the top at the end or do you drizzle it on each layer. Also, I'm assuming you are talking about a ganache made with cream and chocolate squares or chips???

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