kathy gori
kathy gori
A Hollywood Screenwriter, A Bollywood Kitchen
Sonoma, and LA, United States
Joined January 06, 2010
Advanced Cook
Featured Author
All star, Top Photographer, Top Reviewer, 5570 CookEatShare points

About me

Kathy Gori has been cooking Indian food for 30 years. A screenwriter by trade, she works at home, so trading a hot keyboard for a hot stove is just a matter of a few steps. Kathy's obsession with Indian cooking began when her sister-in-law, who'd lived and worked in India, introduced her to the intricacies of the Indian kitchen. Thousands of hours and hundreds of dishes later, Kathy makes her own chutneys, grinds her own spices and enjoys exploring the various cuisines of the sub-continent. She has cooked for some of the Dalai Lama's monks, the Director of the Delhi Museum and President Clinton's California campaign staff. She's always learning and likes to share her knowledge and love of Indian cooking with others. In addition to her writing and cooking, Kathy was the voice of Rosemary the Telephone Operator in the series Hong Kong Phooey. She has voiced many films and commercials, winning a Cleo Award. She and her husband/writing partner Alan Berger live with their Siberian Husky Tyrion in Sonoma. They most recently worked on the screenplay for Chaos Theory starring Ryan Reynolds, and currently are working on an animated series Henchman Vs Sidekick, and just finished another 1/2 hour TV pilot

Cooking Influences

Yamuna Devi
Paula Wolfert


  • Smokinhotchef
    Hi Kathy,
    Just touching base to wish you the very best! I enjoy the candidness of your blog. I also enjoy how you make your journeys feel like we are invited along. Please keep sharing!
    • karen
      Hi Kathy: I was just wondering if you are related to Jan Gori (Garcia) who lives in the Reno, NV area? You look like you could be related so I thought I would ask because we use to work together in the 90's at Reno Hilton Hotel and Casino.
      • Roz

        Hi Kathy, thanks for the friendship! I'm more active on my blog if you care to follow there too: lots of Italian and American recipes. I'd love to have you at:

        Happy cooking and baking (and sharing!)

        • Veronica Gantley
          Veronica Gantley
          Thank you Kathy for accepting my friend request. I look forward to seeing many of your new recipes.
          • Grace Daklah
            Grace Daklah
          • Wendy DeMarzo
            Wendy DeMarzo
            Just a note from "up and over the Sierra's" Sonoma is one of our favorite relaxing vacation areas! Looking forward to following your blog.
            • Organic Cocktail Recipes
              Organic Cocktail Recipes
              First off, great profile pic!
              Second, your Indian food recipes are fantastic. I used to work at a Indian Bistro, and have been hooked on Indian food eversince. Thanks for the recipes!
              • filiz
                Tariflere bayildim hele incirli kek
                Supersiniz sevgiler
                • sunil k.nayar
                  sunil k.nayar
                  thank you for becoming my friend.
                  • cemabou
                    My name is miss peace i saw your profile today and have interest in you,i will also like to know you the more,and i want you to send a mail to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom l am.
                    Please reply
                    maboupeace @ yah oo. co. uk
                    • WILSON ATANAS
                      WILSON ATANAS
                      Hello Mate,
                      Could you help me the formula/ratio`s, to make a Soft Ice Cream for 10 Peoples of my familly,can I mix this raw material mentioned bellow? cassava,panepple,potatoes,egg wheat,maize cone.milk,cream,vanilla flavor,to make it?please try to help me because I wanna learn, in my Country-East Africa, there is no one can advice me on that query.
                      Thanks much, pls member, any who wanna ADVICE/TEACH me more come through my e-mail; [email protected]
                      • Sheila Durham
                        Sheila Durham
                        Oh, I want to learn Indian cooking! I love all the spices that are incorporated in Indian cuisine, so much like the Southwestern & Creole foods I love. Can't wait to try some of your recipes.
                        • Amos Miller
                          Amos Miller
                          We LOVE food of the Indian subcontinent and have no problem obtaing all necessary ingredients! I am looking forward to learning from you. Best regards - Amos
                          • lorejae
                            Kathy am looking forward to trying some of your indian recipes
                            • Chocolate Covered Everything
                              Chocolate Covered Everything
                              Excited to start trying some of your Indian recipes!
                              • sanjeeta kk
                                sanjeeta kk
                                Thanks for the comment, Kathy. Lovely to be here, time to try out some of your creations. Best wishes.
                                • kristy
                                  Kathy, this is the first time I saw you without your glasses on! haha... Yes, I just got in here. Still checking around! Hope to see you more often.
                                  Blessings, Kristy
                                  • Becky Rosenthal
                                    Becky Rosenthal
                                    Kathy, I'm so glad to find someone who really knows how to cook Indian food. It is something I've wanted to explore but have been a bit shy to go for it! I just bought some Indian Spices and now I have a good source for recipes.
                                    • Keisha
                                      Honey I don't know if it's my blackberry or what but I can't view your recipes. I bring it up and it shows the title and rating but nothing else.
                                      • kathy gori
                                        kathy gori
                                        Keisha, here's my blog addy:
                                        let me know if this gets you there.
                                      • Nanette
                                        oops, Kathy that's forgot the "pot" in blogspot.I should slow down my typing once in a while or re-read what I write more carefully! Sorry. N
                                        • Nanette
                                          Kathy: You're kidding?? a cool summer. The heat and humid just doesn't seem to quit here in NY. Having said that, I eat soup no matter what the temps. Love it and this is a good one because of all the summer zucchini at the farm stands. So enjoy. I would use a Tablespoon of olive oil rather than 2. Just made it and I think the tweek is better. Let me know what you think. N
                                          • Daniel Saraga
                                            Daniel Saraga
                                            I've adopted your microwave method from your 15-minute pickle recipe for a couple other pickle recipes I've wanted to try. They're cooling down in the kitchen right now. Thanks!
                                            • kathy gori
                                              kathy gori
                                              thanks Sally!
                                              • sally
                                                Hello again,thank you for the add,your recipes are great!
                                                • Winelady Cooks
                                                  Winelady Cooks
                                                  Thanks Kathy.

                                                  I'll try to remember to cook meatless on Mondays and do a post.


                                                  • kathy gori
                                                    kathy gori
                                                    As far as I know it just seems to be something people are doing. i think it might have originated with pennyakajeroxie..but I'm not sure.

                                                    Leave a comment