A.L. Wiebe
A.L. Wiebe
Love to Cook!
Port McNeill, Canada
Joined November 18, 2010
Professional Chef
All star, Top Reviewer, 1964 CookEatShare points


  • Gwen Davies
    Gwen Davies
    Charlie is gorgeous!
    • Cristina
      OMG...whay happened to your Charley? Why locked up for so long...did the neighbor know? I'm glad he/she is okay. 15 days? Wow, poor baby.
      • A.L. Wiebe
        A.L. Wiebe
        Hi Christina! Thank you for your concern. We took Charley to the Vet the morning after he reappeared, and he agrees with us strongly, that there was no way the poor dog was locked in that shed for 15 days. Charley was in great shape...too great for having been trapped in a shed with no food (even if there was some water source). We're sure he was taken, then put in the shed just before the neighbor found him. We don't care so much, now that he's home and safe lol.
      • myra byanka
        myra byanka

        Has your pet come home? I'm a big dog fan.

        Look forward to reviewing and trying some of your recipes.


        myra byanka
        • A.L. Wiebe
          A.L. Wiebe
          Hi Myra!
          No, Charley has not come home yet. We miss him terribly!
          I've been checking out your recipes for quite some time, and love the look of them! I haven't been very active here lately, i.e., posting recipes, as I've just finally gotten my oven repaired, so was pretty limited. Talk about frustrating! I was without an oven for close to 4 months!!
          Anyway, thanks for you concern over Charley.
          If you have any questions regarding any of my recipes, please don't hesitate to ask.
          Take care, Myra.
        • Sylvia Waldsmith
          Sylvia Waldsmith
          Thank you for the add....I'm so sorry to hear about your dog missing. I hope you find him, they fill such wonderful places in our souls and our lives.
          • judee
            So glad you joined the Passover Group. So many recipes that don't contain flour are perfect for Passover. Looking forward to reading through your recipes.
            • The Mom Chef
              The Mom Chef
              Look at you being the featured chef today! Congrats!!!
              • A.L. Wiebe
                A.L. Wiebe
                Thank you very much...a huge surprise for sure!
              • Chef Chuck
                Chef Chuck
                Glad you like the recipes! Chef Chuck
                • Kristi Rimkus
                  Kristi Rimkus
                  Thank you for leaving a comment on my spaghetti squash recipe. Have a good weekend!
                  • unhip squirrel
                    unhip squirrel
                    Thanks for the add back! I look forward to trying some of your stuff :)
                    • Schnoodle Soup
                      Schnoodle Soup
                      I love your story. Good for you on going back to school!!
                      • A.L. Wiebe
                        A.L. Wiebe
                        Thanks Lindsay! Jackson is adorable, btw, and can just bet he sits loyally at your feet while you are in the kitchen working away, waiting for the odd, precious crumb to drop at his feet lol.
                        I hope we can share lots of knowledge and great recipes.
                        All my best,
                      • Judit Hogya Demcsak
                        Judit Hogya Demcsak
                        Hi!....Thank you very much!:)
                        • Priyanka Bhattacharjee
                          Priyanka Bhattacharjee
                          Hi, Thanks for visiting my page. The red chilli powder is the Cayenne.
                          • A.L. Wiebe
                            A.L. Wiebe
                            Thank you for that, Priyanka!!
                          • jai yadav
                            jai yadav
                            hi check my grape pie and apple cupcake
                            • jai yadav
                              jai yadav
                              hay check my plum yum
                              • judee
                                I am a blogger from Phila area. I'm now following you. Hope you will follow back
                                • jai yadav
                                  jai yadav
                                  hi chef check my apricot tea
                                  • A.L. Wiebe
                                    A.L. Wiebe
                                    I did check out your apricot tea. It looks delicious, and I have saved the recipe to try soon. Thank you Jai
                                  • Jeannie Maristela
                                    Jeannie Maristela
                                    Hi, Chef! I am glad you tested my Chicken Piccata dish and was happy with how it turned out.
                                    I appreciate it.
                                    Thank you for the warm welcome! :)
                                    • Purabi Naha
                                      Purabi Naha
                                      Hi, I am your new follower. Please follow me back and visit my Indian food blog on some unusual curries at
                                      • annie
                                        A.l. That's awesome you took that class and how wonderful of your daughter to cheer you on our children do have great ideas *annie*
                                        • Nanette
                                          Love your profile...the honesty shines through as well as your love of food. I admire that you took that step as an adult to take culinary classes...brava! Looking forward to reading and trying many of your recipes...I hope you like one or two of mine. Enjoy's a great site. Visit my blog N
                                          • stella dias
                                            stella dias
                                            Dear Chef A.L. Wiebe
                                            Thank you very much.Give my kind regards your step son.
                                            stella -srilanka
                                            • Amos Miller
                                              Amos Miller
                                              Hi, Chef! Ummm, my cornbread recipe is completely fat free, calorie free, and I am the King of Romania... Seriously, you and your guests will enjoy this bread and it will absolutely be a perfect complement to your chowder - which I will have to make now. If you have any left, may I suggest a bit of sweet butter & honey... honey is very good for you.... hope I'll hear how you liked it after the fact & thanks for touching base. best regards, Amos
                                              • A.L. Wiebe
                                                A.L. Wiebe
                                                Funny you should reply so quickly, Your Highness. I couldn't wait, so made it this evening. OMG, how wonderful is this bread!!?? I am so happy that this is low cal, fat free (yeah right), what the heck..denial works for me. Hahahaha.
                                                No worries, as I'll lose the pounds when I get back to work in the summer. I get terribly bored during the winter months when I'm off work and sitting around the house, trying to figure out what to feed two seriously fussy guys. Aarrgghh!! My husband and step-son are happy with hot dogs or Chef Boyardee's Mini Ravioli...gag, so it's really difficult to keep up the kitchen skills here.
                                                I'll probably be picking your brains a lot in the next 2 or 3 please bear with me, Amos.
                                                Thanks again for keeping the spark alive with your great tips and recipes!

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