• Molasses Cakes

    2 votes
    Molasses Cakes
    Prep: 30 min Cook: 60 min Servings: 96
    by Jann from PA
    69 recipes
    Large, cake-like cookies were often called "cakes."


    • 1 lb. dark brown sugar
    • 3/4 lb. lard
    • 1 qt. New Orleans molasses
    • 1 qt. thick milk
    • 2 T. baking soda
    • 1 oz. Pearl Ash
    • pinch salt
    • 3 tsp. vinegar
    • 14 cups flour


    1. Cream sugar and lard.
    2. Add molasses, milk with vinegar (to thicken)
    3. Add pearl ash, baking soda, and flour.
    4. Drop on greased cookie tin (sheet) and brush well beaten egg on top.
    5. Bake 350 degrees for 10 minutes.

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    • Jann from PA
      Jann from PA
      If you are wanting to try this recipe, I would recommend that you cut it down 1/2 or even 1/4. You can leave out the pearl ash, as it is just an old leavening that was replaced by baking soda. Thick milk is sour milk (put the vinegar in the milk to sour it). Crisco solid shortening can be used instead of lard.

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