• Julia Ann;s Caramel Corn

    1 vote
    Julia Ann;s Caramel Corn
    Prep: 60 min Cook: 60 min Servings: 30
    by Julia Ann Souders
    63 recipes
    A special treat of caramel corn for snacks, appetizers, gifts and eat with hot cocoa on a winter day in front of the fireplace. ©2007-2014 Netta Belle’s Choice® cookbookinabox® “Reg. U.S. Pat. & Trdmk.Off.” Reg. “Trade-marks Canadian Intellectual Property Office.” and All rights reserved.


    • 5-6 quarts of unsalted popcorn
    • 2 cups light brown sugar
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 1/2 cup white corn syrup
    • 8 ounces butter
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla
    • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
    • Almonds, pecan or mixed nuts or pretzels, cereal or dried cranberries are optional additions.


    1. Preheat oven 200 F.
    2. Spray oil into a large oven proof bowl to pour popcorn.
    3. Use a heavy 4 quart sauce pan.
    4. Combine brown sugar, salt, corn syrup and butter.
    5. Stir to blend, bring mixture to a boil for 5 minutes.
    6. Remove pan from heat.
    7. Add 1/2 teaspoon baking soda. It will bubble up and turn a lighter color, stir to blend.
    8. Pour over the popped corn.
    9. Stir syrup to coat popcorn.
    10. * If adding nuts, do so at this time.
    11. Bake in 200 F oven for 15 minutes.
    12. Remove and stir to evenly coat popcorn.
    13. Do this 4 times, for 1 hour.
    14. Remove from the oven, let cool.
    15. *After cooling, add pretzels, cereal or dried cranberries if desired.
    16. Store in an air tight container

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