• Jelly Roll

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    • 5 x Large eggs, separated
    • 1 c. Sugar
    • 1 Tbsp. Grated lemon rind
    • 2 Tbsp. Lemon juice
    • 1 c. Sifted cake flour
    • 1/4 tsp Salt Confectioners sugar
    • 1 c. Jelly


    1. Beat egg whites till stiff but not dry. Add in 1/2 the sugar slowly beating constantly. Beat egg yolks till thick and lemon colored; add in remaining sugar gradually, continuing to beat till stiff sufficient to hold a soft peak; add in grated lemon rind and juice. Fold gently into egg whites. Combine flour and salt and fold quickly but lightly into egg mix. Line large shallow
    2. (11x16 inch) pan with paper, pour in batter and bake in a 350 degree oven for 15 mintues being careful not to overbake it. Turn onto a clean towel well sprinkled with confectioners sugar. Remove paper and trim off crusts.
    3. Roll, lifting end of towel nearest you. Wrap in towel and cold. Unroll, spread with whipped jelly and roll again.
    4. Serves 8.

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