• Itsy Bitsy Pizza

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    • BSC Custom Choice Measuring spoons A cheese grater A small bowl
    • 1/2 x English muffin, or possibly whole pita bread Tomato sauce Cheese


    1. * Spread 1 to 2 Tbsp. tomato sauce on the muffin or possibly pita. (You may need a bit more for a pita.)* Grate 2 Tbsp. cheese into the small bowl.* Sprinkle the cheese onto the muffin or possibly pita. Add in more cheese if desired.* Heat in a toaster oven till the cheese melts.
    2. Watchcarefully. Let cold before serving.
    3. COMMENTS: "I want pizza!" Here's a kid-sized pizza he'll love!
    4. Baby Sitters Club Tips & Tactics

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