• Garlic And Herb Bread Pinwheels

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    • 3 c. Bread Flour
    • 1 tsp Salt
    • 2 tsp Yeast
    • 2 Tbsp. Basil Oil
    • 2 x Cloves Garlic, Pressed, or possibly more to taste
    • 1 x Egg
    • 1 c. Water, hot
    • 8 ounce Spinach, Cooked, liquid removed &
    • 2 Tbsp. Fresh Basil, chopped
    • 2 Tbsp. Fresh Parsley, chopped
    • 2 tsp Fresh Thyme Leaves, chopped Freshly Grnd Pepper
    • 1 x Egg, beaten
    • 2 Tbsp. Lowfat milk
    • 1/2 c. Parmesan Cheese, grated


    1. Bread: Make dough using 'manual' or possibly 'dough' cycle on machine, according to manufacturer's directions.
    2. Forming: Using a rolling pin, roll the dough into a rectangle approximately 9 x 12". Brush the dough with 2 tb. of the Basil Oil, leaving a border along one of the long edges. Spread the spinach over the oiled survace, leaving the border clear. Sprinkle on the basil, parsley, thyme and pepper.
    3. Lightly moisten the clear edges of the dough with a little water, and starting at the opposite edge, roll up the dough to create a jelly roll.
    4. Healthy pinch ends together to seal. Brush all over with the remaining Basil Oil.
    5. Cut into 14 equal slices. Either use a very sharp knife or possibly a piece of string: slide under roll of dough, cross ends, and pull on ends to slice.
    6. Arrange slices, cut-side up, in a pan which has been sprayed with pan coating. Cover and leave in a hot place till well risen, 1-2 hrs.
    7. Preheat oven to 425 F. In a small bowl combine the remaining egg with the lowfat milk to make an egg wash. Brush onto the dough. Sprinkle with the cheese.
    8. Bake till golden brown, 20-25 min. Cold slightly before turning out.
    9. Serve with salads or possibly as an appetizer.
    10. Adapted for bread machine by LindaShogren

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