• Everyday Poolish Bread Loaf

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    by Mike
    3 recipes
    This is a no hassle, but tasty bread recipe that uses a poolish that allows you to shape it as a baguette, round loaf, or even put it in a bread pan. A poolish is nothing more than making a smaller recipe of dough and letting it age to gain more flavor. I use this same recipe with whole wheat flour, rye flour, seeds, nuts, and honey to make a really good multi-grain bread.


    • Poolish
    • 190 grams flour
    • 175 grams room room temp water
    • pinch of instant yeast (1/8 tsp is about 1 pinches)
    • Dough
    • 300 grams flour
    • 7 grams instant yeast
    • 12 grams sea salt
    • 165 - 175 grams room temp water
    • all of the poolish


    1. Poolish (This step takes less than 10 minutes to complete, but must sit for 12 hours)
    2. In a bowl (I just use my mixer bowl) add all of the Poolish ingredients and using a spatula mix everything together until fully mixed
    3. Put lid of plastic wrap over bowl
    4. Let it sit for 12 - 14 hours (I make mine just before I go to bed)
    5. When the Poolish is done it will nearly double in size and be bubbly on top.
    6. Dough
    7. Add all the Dough ingredients and about 3/4 of the water to the Poolish
    8. Using a mixer on 2 setting using the dough hook, mix the ingredients together and slowly add water until the dough is well formed and slightly sticky. The amount of water you add will depend on the humidity. You are looking for a dough that just barely sticks to the bowl. Total kneading is about 4 - 6 minutes
    9. Cover the bowl and let rest for about 1 to 2 hours until it has about doubled in size.
    10. Pour the dough out onto a floured surface
    11. Sprinkle a little flour on top and pat it down into an oval shape
    12. From the long ends fold each end towards the center using your finger tips to seal the fold
    13. Repeat this fold again coming from the other ends
    14. Cover the dough with a towel and let rest for 10 minutes
    15. Now you decide what shape you are making and work the dough into that shape.
    16. Round - Roll it into a ball and place it on a greased half pan
    17. Baguette - pat into a rectangle and fold each side into the middle sealing the seams with your palm. Then roll out from the center to the ends until it's the length you need (check internet for videos on this if you've never done it)
    18. Loaf - Pat into rectangle and fold as you did for the resting phase. Then shape into a size for you pan and place seam side down
    19. For all shapes let the shaped dough rest for 30 minutes to an hour. Watch you don't let it go too long or your Round loaf will turn out big and not too high and on your Loaf it will run over your pan
    20. While waiting for this last rest preheat your oven to 450 degrees
    21. Adding steam at the time of baking will add a nicer crust. I do this by putting a old metal 9 inch pie pan in the bottom of my oven and add two cups of hot water right after I put the bread into the oven.
    22. Bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown on top
    23. Remove from oven and transfer to cooling rack
    24. Let cool if you can stand the wait and enjoy!

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