• Boneless Breast Of Chicken With Artichoke Sauce

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    • 1 stick of butter
    • 1/2 stalk celery, minced fine
    • 1/2 lg. onion, minced
    • 1 quart. lowfat milk
    • 1/2 quart. water
    • 1 teaspoon flour
    • 2 teaspoon celery salt
    • 3 tbsp. chicken base
    • 8 drops Tabasco
    • 1 an hearts of artichoke
    • 1 teaspoon Accent
    • 8 boneless chicken breasts


    1. Take stick of butter, 1/2 stalk of celery, grnd onion and saute/fry till brown and soft. In separate pot mix 1-qt of lowfat milk with half qt of water. Add in one Tbsp. of flour to the sauteed mix and cook for 20 min.
    2. Mix this now with the lowfat milk and water, 2 tsp. of celery salt, three Tbsp. of chicken base, eight drops of Tabasco, can of minced artichoke hearts, on Tbsp. of Accent. Cook all this down till it thickens to a creamy sauce.
    3. Broil chicken breasts and pour warm sauce over chicken and serve. Serves 8. (Chicken base can be any chicken broth.)

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