• Smoked Salmon & Peas with Creamy Gnocchi; the potager

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    There was a time, long ago, when smoked salmon was a rare, decadent, treat.I used to order it from Williams Sonoma, back when it was still only a catalog company (at least in Minneapolis). I would place my order in late November for a Christmas delivery and it would arrive, from Scotland, packed in dry ice, just in time for the holidays. It was wonderful.When we lived in Ireland we used to ride our bikes, take the ferry across to Cobh, and buy it from a local who smoked his own in his back garden. We ate it often…. it was really wonderful. When we lived in Andorra we would order our Christmas smoked salmon from one of our British friends. I really don’t know where she got it, but everyone ordered through her. At the last communal lunch before Christmas she would arrive with boxes of packaged smoked salmon for everyone.Here I just pick it up whenever at the supermarket. There is normally a bigger, fancier selection in December but it’s available year round. As it has a long shelf life I’ve started keeping it on hand for easy Friday dinners.Click here to Pin Smoked Salmon & Peas with Creamy Gnocchi PrintSmoked Salmon & Peas with Creamy Gnocchi If you like smoked salmon or smoked trout this is a great choice for you. You don’t need to use the more expensive perfect slices. I often can get packages of ‘ends’ or chopped pieces. The gnocchi cooks quickly, about 2 minutes in boiling water and stays soft and creamy.Author: KatieCook Time: 20 minutesTotal Time: 20 minutesYield: 2 servings 1xCategory: Pasta Scale 1x2x3x Ingredients8oz (250gr) gnocchi1 cup (5oz, 150gr) peas, frozen or fresh4 tbs (1/4 cup) chopped chives1/3 cup (3oz, 90ml) white wine5oz (150gr) soft, spreadable goat cheese4oz (120gr) smoked salmon, sliced or roughly choppedInstructionsCook gnocchi in boiling, salted water until they float, 1 – 2 minutes. Drain.Heat wine and peas to a simmer in a covered skillet.Cook for 5 minutesAdd goat cheese, chives, and gently heat until goat cheese has melted.Add salmon and stir gently.Add gnocchi and heat through if needed.Serve.NotesThe most time consuming part of this dinner prep is boiling the water. I cook the gnocchi when the peas are almost done so it’s hot when it’s combined with the salmon / peas / sauce. You could substitute cream cheese for the goat cheese.Keywords: smoked salmon, gnocchi, goat cheese I covered my chewed on, picked on, Romaine lettuce stubs with netting yesterday.By this morning I swear they had all grown an inch in gratitude.Problem solved I thought…. Until I saw a bird trying to lift the netting.Maybe a bit more work is needed.I have old cd’s strung across the beans to keep the birds away from them. I’m hoping it will work this year.When we first moved to France, during that first summer, I planted a big vegetable garden. It was surrounded by woods and fields. There were rabbits and deer and birds. I didn’t have a fence, I didn’t spray the tomatoes, I didn’t put out slug / snail repellent and I didn’t pay a lot of attentions to it.Everything grew and produced and I didn’t have a single problem of any sort.I thought – wow, this vegetable gardening is fun and easy!That idyllic situation did not follow for year 2 nor any year since PinterestFacebookTwitterYummlyLinkedinemail

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