This is a print preview of "Red, White, Blue and YUM!" recipe.

Red, White, Blue and YUM! Recipe
by Heather Bryant

Red, White, Blue and YUM!

These beauties will be sure to satisfy your 4th of July goodie needs!

Rating: 4/5
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  United States American
Cook time: Servings: 24


  • 1 Box of white cupcake mix
  • 1 container of fresh blueberries (washed)
  • 1 container of fresh strawberries (washed)
  • Eggs
  • Water
  • Oil


  1. Follow the recipe on the box EXCEPT reduce any liquids by 1/3 (the berries make up for the reduction!)
  2. Insert cupcake wraps into cupcake pan
  3. Bake Cupcakes
  4. Let cool on wire rack
  5. Wash the berries
  6. Cut the berries into small pieces then toss with 1 cup of sugar
  7. Core out the middle of the cupcakes and reserve the core
  8. Insert the berry mixture into cored cupcake
  9. Replace cored out cupcake over the berries
  10. Frost