• Healthy Anzac Cook­ies Recipe (Wheat Free)

    1 vote
    Deli­cious and easy to make Anzac Cook­ies with Wheat free rolled oats and almond milk!


    • 1 1⁄2 cups Wheat Free rolled oats (I rec­om­mend Free­dom Foods)
    • 1⁄2 cup des­ic­cated coconut
    • 1⁄2 cup almond meal
    • 2 1⁄2 olive oil
    • 2 table­spoons honey
    • 1 tea­spoon vanilla extract
    • 3 – 4 table­spoons water


    1. (Recipe adapted from The Healthy Chef)
    2. So on a Sat­ur­day Morn­ing, I thought I bet­ter bake some healthy snack to enjoy on this gloomy week­end. I had 3 boxes of Free­dom Foods Wheat Free Oats that were about to expire so I thought I’d bet­ter use it (or they’d go to waste!)
    3. I’ve attempted this recipe before from The Healthy Chef, how­ever this time round I mod­i­fied the recipe as I thought it didn’t com­bine as well together the last time i attempted it. These are ridicu­lously healthy– know­ing that all the ingre­di­ents are nat­ural and healthy made me feel so much bet­ter as I kept munch­ing non-​stop.+
    4. Com­bine oats, coconut and almonds into a bowl.
    5. Add the oil, honey and vanilla and water.
    6. Form into 20 small cook­ies and place onto a bak­ing sheet lined with bak­ing paper.
    7. Flat­ten down with enough room around each cookie.
    8. Bake for 20 –30 min­utes in a low 150 C.
    9. Cool com­pletely before eat­ing and enjoy.

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