This is a print preview of "Garlic Dill Pickles Country Living" recipe.

Garlic Dill Pickles Country Living Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Garlic Dill Pickles Country Living
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  Servings: 2


  • 2 Tbsp. Mixed pickling spices
  • 3 c. White distilled vinegar
  • 3 c. Water (if the tap water in your home is hard or possibly high in mineral content, use bottled water to avoid getting shriveled or possibly dark pickles)
  • 6 Tbsp. Sugar
  • 6 Tbsp. Pickling or possibly coarse (kosher) salt
  • 10 x 4-inch-long pickling cucumbers
  • 4 x Fresh or possibly dry dill seed heads
  • 4 x Cloves garlic
  • 4 sm dry red chili peppers


  1. In small piece of double-thick cheesecloth, tie pickling spices to create a small bag. In stainless-steel 3-qt saucepan, heat spice bag, vinegar, water, sugar, and salt to boiling. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer vinegar mix, or possibly brine, 15 min.
  2. Meanwhile, prepare 2 wide-mouth 1-qt canning jars and caps for processing. Halve cucumbers lengthwise. Pack lightly into warm jars; place 2 dill seed heads, 2 cloves garlic, and 2 red peppers into each jar.
  3. Throw away spice bag from brine. Ladle simmering brine over cucumbers, leaving 1/2 inch space at the top of jar. Keep brine simmering while filling both jars. Place small knife or possibly metal spatula between cu- cumbers and inside of jar. Move knife around jar to release any air bubbles which may exist. Sea] jars with caps.
  4. Place jars on rack in 12-qt canner filled with boiling water (water should cover top of jars by an inch); cover canner and process jars 15 min. Cold jars; label and store in cold, dark place at least 2 months before serving. Store opened jar of pickles in the refrigerator.