This is a print preview of "Fuzzy Fusilli with Barese Sausage" recipe.

Fuzzy Fusilli with Barese Sausage Recipe
by PreeOccupied

Fuzzy Fusilli with Barese Sausage

The box of Fusilli told me to marry it with the Barese sausage I got from St. Lawrence Market.

The mixed pitted olives (green and kalamata) and sun-dried tomatoes came in handy too to invoke a whole lot of flavors in my dish.

Rating: 4/5
Avg. 4/5 1 vote
Prep time: Italy Italian
Cook time: Servings: 4

Wine and Drink Pairings: a semi sweet red wine


  • 4 cups of Fusilli
  • Barese sausage (you can use any hot sausage you want)
  • Half cup mixed olives (pitted)
  • Half cup sun-dried tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Freshly cracked black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil


  1. Cook the fusilli according to package instructions. I like to keep mine al dente. Drain and keep. I always generously salt my pasta while cooking, which means I don’t use salt later.
  2. I grilled my sausages before I added them to the pasta. This was being done simultaneously in the oven. If you are using the thick sausages, make sure you poke them randomly with a fork to avoid any blasts in the oven.
  3. Drizzle EVOO on the fusilli, throw in the olives and the sun-dried tomatoes.
  4. Season with dried basil and black pepper. Once the sausages are done and are cool enough to handle, cut bite-size pieces of them and add into the pasta. Toss everything with the passion of an Italian. Serve warm as a main or a hearty lunch.