This is a print preview of "Chocolate Soup With French Toasted Meringue" recipe.

Chocolate Soup With French Toasted Meringue Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Chocolate Soup With French Toasted Meringue
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  Servings: 1


  • 3 pt Double cream
  • 6 ounce Good quality dark chocolate
  • 125 gm Egg whites
  • 125 gm Caster sugar
  • 30 gm Cornflour
  • 2 dsh Lemon juice
  • 2 dsh Vanilla essence


  1. Chop up the chocolate into small pcs, add in to the cream and heat till combined, stirring often.
  2. Mix the cornflour and caster sugar together, add in one drop of lemon juice to the egg whites and a small amount of the flour/sugar mix.
  3. Beat the whites, adding the flour/sugar gradually till stiff and forming peaks.
  4. Gently mix in the vanilla essence and remainder of the lemon juice.
  5. Line a deep tray with silicon paper and smooth the meringue into the tray till approximately 2.5cm thick. Bake at 150C for 10-15 min.