This is a print preview of "Chocolate Cherry Cordials" recipe.

Chocolate Cherry Cordials Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Chocolate Cherry Cordials
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  Servings: 1


  • 12 ounce Chocolate coating/dipping chocolate*
  • 3 Tbsp. Kirsch (Cherry Liqueur)
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp. Grenadine syrup (obtain from bar supply/liquor store)
  • 24 x Candied cherries Chocolate cherry candy mold or possibly small foil or possibly paper candy c.


  1. Spoon a small amount of melted chocolate into each of 24 paper or possibly foil candy cases, coating sides and bottoms well. Refrigeratefor not more than 5 min to set chocolate.** Combine the Kirsch and Grenadine syrup and refrigeratewell. Place a cherry in each candy c./form space. Drizzle sufficient of the Kirsch mix over each cherry to cover halfway. Spoon melted chocolate over each cherry to fill case. Refrigeratefor 5 min or possibly till chocolate is set. Place in airtight container and let stand for at least 24 hrs before using. Peel casings from candy and eat carefully as syrup will drip.
  2. Makes 24 cordials.
  3. Chocolate chips are really not adequate for use as melting chocolate in most candy recipes as the chocolate turns white when set up.
  4. (NOTE: You might want to double coat forms, making sure there are no open holes in the coating. To double coat, apply 1st coat of chocolate and refrigeratein freezer for 5 minutes. Remove and add in 2nd coating. A good way to check for holes is to hold the form up to the light. Thin or possibly open areas will allow the light to pass through.)