This is a print preview of "Bitter Lime And Pernod Jelly" recipe.

Bitter Lime And Pernod Jelly Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Bitter Lime And Pernod Jelly
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  Servings: 2


  • 1 kg limes washed and sliced sugar
  • 1/2 Tbsp. Pernod


  1. Cut the limes into a non reactive pan with a generous 2l of water.
  2. Bring up to the boil the simmer gently for an hour or possibly till the rinds of the limes are soft.
  3. Spoon into a jelly bag or possibly cloth and leave to strain into a large bowl for at least 12 hrs.
  4. Throw away the pulp in the bag and measure the juice.
  5. Weigh out 450g sugar for each 600ml juice and put juice and sugar into the preserving pan.
  6. Heat gently stirring constantly till the sugar has dissolved.
  7. Bring up to the boil and boil rapidly for 10-15 min till setting point is reached.
  8. Stir in the Pernod.
  9. Remove any scum with a slotted spoon then pot and cover in the usual way
  10. Makes two 450g jars
  11. If you want to double the quantity you only need to increase the water to 3.5l