Rachel Hooper
Rachel Hooper
Cooking eating & sharing!
Geneva, Switzerland
Joined April 03, 2013
Intermediate Cook
Top Chef, Top Photographer, 996 CookEatShare points

About me

I live in Geneva, Switzerland, where I moved with my family from Australia in 2001. I have a husband whom I adore, two adult sons and a delightful "daughter-in-law", I’m an EFL teacher, I love to travel and I spend as much time as possible in the kitchen. My husband and I have been vegetarian since we were 18, and we raised our children without meat so one aspect of my food journey has always been about coming up with nutritional and tasty meals for them. As they get older, their palates develop and they eat more and more adventurously - much to my relief!

When I started blogging in 2011, I did it with the aim of creating a repository of recipes, but I also wanted to share my experiences with the world. Cooking, for me, is all about sharing delicious, healthy and sometimes wickedly indulgent food - either literally, at the table, or metaphorically, via my blog. Perhaps I could encourage other people to try something I'd developed, or just to try something new. I’m not Italian, but I have a burning passion for Italian food. I also dabble in Middle Eastern, French and Asian cooking, as well as trying my hand at cakes, desserts and breads. In fact, baking has become a bit of an obsession! I'm always ready for a challenge and I have developed a "never-say-die" attitude in the kitchen. Failures are to be learned from because that's what makes successes so exciting!

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