homemade recepies
Lisbon, Portugal
Joined February 08, 2008
Intermediate Cook
Active Chef, 115 CookEatShare points

About me

We are mama and daughter.
Cooking and eating for us is to have fun with the ones we love.


  • Drick Perry
    Drick Perry
    Hey there - Enjoyed seeing your fish recipe immensely, added it to my Group. Please take a moment to join the seafood recipe group, SEAFOOD CATCH so more can enjoy it ... many thanks and looking forward in seeing more great recipes.... Drick
    • A
      Hi Nazevedo.Thanks for accepting my friend request.Hope we can share recipes.Have a great day!
      • Andrea Faz
        Andrea Faz
        I am also a huge fan of Cristiano Ronaldo!!! :)
        • Andrea Faz
          Andrea Faz
          OLA! I am excited to try some of your portuguese recipes. My best friend since childhood is Portuguese and her grandmother makes such great food! I'm actually suppose to go with her to Portugal, but we just havn't set an offical date to travel. I'll let you know how some of your recipes turned out for me!

          • georges skaf
            georges skaf
            ola nazevedo segue a receita em portugues


            - 1 pacote de biscoito tipo maisena (200g)
            - ½ xícara (chá) de manteiga sem sal


            - 1 xícara (chá) de leite
            - 3 colheres (sopa) de manteiga
            - 300g de ricota
            - 1 lata de leite condensado
            - 3 ovos


            - 200g de goiabada
            - ½ xícara de água

            MODO DE FAZER

            Triture os biscoitos no liquidificador e misture a manteiga até ficar uma massa úmida. Coloque a massa em uma fôrma com fundo falso (25cm).
            Leve ao fogo o leite e a manteiga. No liquidificador, bata os ovos, a ricota, o leite condensado, o leite fervido com a menteiga e misture tudo. Coloque na fôrma e leve ao forno baixo por 30 minutos.


            Leve ao fogo a goiabada e a água até dissolver. Depois jogue a cobertura sobre a torta, espere esfriar e coloque na geladeira.

            • georges skaf
              georges skaf
              Hello ,Tudo Bem
              I` ll try to get the recipe soon
              Um abraço
              • John Spottiswood
                John Spottiswood
                These look really yummy. We'll try the Tuna patties. Looks fairly easy and tasty too. Keep the recipes coming!
                • Haresh Shah
                  Haresh Shah
                  Great picture and interesting recipes. I will certainly try Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni.


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