• Sourdough Rye Bread

    1 vote
    Basically a white bread with the goodness of rye and caraway. A very simple straight forward recipe with honey being the only preservative added. The step for developing the gluten can be left out. I haven't done that in two years now and there is really very little taste difference.


    • 1 1/2 cups flour in the form of sourdough starter
    • 3/4 cup rye flour -- up to 3/4 cup
    • 4 1/4 cups bread flour,unbleached (do not use self rising or cake flour) -- 4 1/4 to 5 1/4 cups (more or less as needed)
    • 1 tablespoon yeast -- or 1 package (1/3 oz) Active Dry (Rapid Rise does not seem to work very well)
    • 1 teaspoon salt -- sea salt preferred
    • very warm water (120º to 130ºF) -- up to 2 1/2 cups as needed for beginning consistency
    • 1 tablespoon Cornmeal -- roughly
    • 1 teaspoon caraway seeds
    • 1 tablespoon honey


    1. --------------- THE NIGHT BEFORE ------------------------------
    2. Stir sourdough starter before measuring. Measure out 1 to 2 cups sourdough
    3. starter into a large, non-metal bowl, add 1 cup very warm water, honey, 2 ½ cups white bread flour, unbleached,mix well until all flour is wet. Cover and place in a warm draft free place to work and become the sponge.
    4. --------------8 TO 48 HOURS LATER ------------------------------
    5. 1.1 Place caraway seeds in a cup of very warm water and let stand until
    6. temperature is down enough to be tolerated by the yeast (making caraway
    7. tea )add a ½ teaspoonful of basic commercial yeast (not instant or pizza or any other variety of yeast) to the tea.
    8. OR
    9. 1.2 slightly crush the seeds to release more of the
    10. oil for a more intense taste. I use a mortar and pestle
    11. 2.O Add to sponge either the tea/yeast concoction OR the crushed caraway seed with a cup of warm water to the starter.
    12. 2.1 Drop in a teaspoon or so of salt (helps to keep the risen bread from falling and flavor, of course).
    13. ------ GLUTEN DEVELOPEMENT --------
    14. 3.O If using a hand mixer,beat 2 minutes
    15. at medium speed of electric mixer, scraping bowl occasionally. Beat 2
    16. minutes at high speed. With spoon, stir in enough remaining flour to make
    17. soft dough.
    18. OR
    19. 3.1 If using a stand mixer with rotary or paddle beater, beat at med high to high speed until the batter rises up the beater and pulls cleanly from the bowl. Then knead in enough flour to make a soft dough.
    20. ------- FORMING DOUGH ----------
    21. 4.0 If using a stand mixer, change to a dough hook, add flour and machine knead until dough is smooth and elastic and is only slightly sticky when touched. Hint: before removing the bowl from the mixer add about 1 tablespoon flour and run the mixer for 3 or 4 rotations enough to dust the surface of the dough and it will come out more cleanly from the mixing bowl. Knead a couple of times by hand, just to say that its hand kneaded. Actually, it so you can get a feel for the bread and can better tell if is really ready to proceed with the first rise.
    22. 4.1 Place in greased bowl (spray oil works well), turning to grease
    23. top. Cover, let rise in warm, draft-free place (such as your oven with the
    24. heat off and the light on) until doubled in size, about 30 to 60 minutes.
    25. OR
    26. 4.2 Knead by hand on lightly floured surface until smooth and elastic, about 6 to 8
    27. minutes. Place in greased bowl (spray oil works well), turning to grease
    28. top. Cover, let rise in warm, draft-free place (such as your oven with the
    29. heat off and the light on) until doubled in size, about 30 to 60 minutes.
    30. ------- FORMING LOAVES AND BAKING --------
    31. 5.0 Punch dough down. Remove dough to lightly floured surface; divide in half, thirds, or by weight and shape into loaves (round or elongated is good, as is most any shape you desire) and place on large greased(or spray oil or silicone baking liner)baking sheet sprinkled with cornmeal. Cover; let rise in warm, draft-free place (be sure to remove it before it is doubled in size to allow time for the oven to come to temperature without over rising the bread) until doubled in size, about 30 to 45 minutes.
    32. 5.1 Loaf pans in whatever shape or materials (like ceramic or tin) you would like to use is great, too. A standard loaf pan will do well with from 1 ½ to 2 lbs of dough, with the upper end tending to fall over the edge of the pan as it rises above the sides.
    33. 6.0 with sharp knife, make four or five diagonal slashes about 1/4-inch deep on
    34. top of each loaf. (slashes can be any pattern you desire, there is a history to slash patterns you can find on the net) Spray top and sides of loaves with water and sprinkle tops with sesame seeds. Bake at 350ºF for 30 or 35 minutes or until done. Loaves are done when a drum like sounds is heard when taping the bottom of the loaf.
    35. 6.1 For crispy crust, spray loaves with water just before baking and every
    36. five minutes during the first 10 minutes of baking time.
    37. 7.0 Remove from baking sheet; cool on wire rack.
    38. Description:
    39. "A sweet tasting wheat sourdough bread, great for sandwiches or toast."
    40. Yield:
    41. "4 pounds of dough"
    42. Start to Finish Time:
    43. "3:30"
    44. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    45. Serving Ideas : Great toasted with marmalade or peanutbutter and honey
    46. NOTES : To Make Round Loaves:
    47. Divide dough in half. Shape each into 5-inch ball. Place
    48. on large greased baking sheet sprinkled with cornmeal.
    49. Cover; let rise in warm, draft-free place until doubled in
    50. size, about 30 to 45 minutes. With sharp knife, make four
    51. slashes (1/4-inch deep) in crisscross fashion on top of
    52. each loaf. Spray with water and bake as directed.
    53. FOR WHITE BREAD: Substitute white flour for the rye and omit the karaway and sesame kernels.
    54. FOR WHEAT BREAD: Substitute wheat flour for the rye and omit the karaway and sesame kernels.
    55. FOR HONEY WHEAT BREAD: Add 1/2 cup honey and substitute flour for the rye and omit the karaway and sesame kernels.
    56. FLOUR: For white flour use only UNBLEACHED, BREAD FLOUR for best results. Bulk flour is fine as long as it is not
    57. bleached and is recommended for bread.

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    • MT C
      MT C
      I've been making this for about ten years now.

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