• Feta Stuffed Kalamata Olives

    1 vote
    These are a little time consuming to make but so worth it! They'll be a hit at any cocktail party!


    • 3 cloves roasted garlic, minced
    • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
    • 7 ounces Feta cheese
    • 1 (9.5 ounce) jar Kalamata olives
    • 6 ounces thinly sliced prosciutto


    1. To roast garlic:Heat oven to 400 degrees. Place unpeeled cloves of garlic in the middle of a large square of tin foil. Drizzle liberally with olive oil - about 2 tablespoons. Fold up the ends of the foil tightly, completely sealing the opening so that no air can escape. Place on a cookie sheet and roast in oven for 15 minutes. Remove and allow to cool enough to handle. Cut an end off of each clove, squeeze from the shell and mince.
    2. In a food processor blend roasted garlic, olive oil and Feta. Spoon cheese mixture into a thick zip top bag and smoosh the mixture down into one corner. Seal bag and use sharp scissors to snip a small bit off of the corner of the bag. Pipe the cheese into each olive and set aside. This will probably be messy, it certainly was for me, but that just means you get to taste the filling as you go.
    3. Cut the prosciutto into approximately 2 ½ x ¾ inch strips and wrap around each olive. Secure with toothpick and serve.

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