• Crumpets

    1 vote
    Prep: 90 min Cook: 10 min Servings: 1
    by ShaleeDP
    1124 recipes
    I got this recipe from online through my uncles in Melbourne. My daughter likes it but I don't think we have it here so I thought to make my own :)


    • 2 tsp caster sugar
    • 1 tsp (7g/1 sachet) dried yeast
    • 250ml (1 cup) warm milk
    • 250ml (1 cup) warm water
    • 450g (3 cups) plain flour
    • 1 1/2 tsp bread improver
    • 1 tsp salt
    • 250ml (1 cup) water, extra
    • 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
    • Vegetable oil, to grease
    • Butter, to serve
    • Honey, to serve


    1. Combine the sugar and yeast in a medium bowl. Gradually pour in the warm milk and water and stir until yeast dissolves. Cover with plastic wrap and stand in a warm, draught-free place for 10 minutes or until mixture is frothy.
    2. Combine the flour, bread improver and salt in a bowl. Make a well in the centre and add the yeast mixture. Stir with a wooden spoon until well combined. Cover with plastic wrap and place in a warm, draught-free place to prove for 1 hour or until doubled in size.
    3. Combine extra water and bicarbonate of soda in a jug. Use an electric beater to beat the flour mixture for 1 minute or until mixture deflates. Gradually add the water mixture, beating well between additions, until well combined and smooth. Cover batter with plastic wrap and set aside for 30 minutes to rest.
    4. Brush a large non-stick frying pan with vegetable oil to lightly grease. Brush six 7.5cm-diameter non-stick egg rings with oil to lightly grease. Place egg rings in frying pan over medium-low heat. Pour 60ml (1/4 cup) of batter into each ring. Cook for 7 minutes or until large bubbles come to the surface, the base is golden and the top is set. Use an egg lifter to turn and cook for a further 1 minute or until golden. Transfer to a wire rack and remove egg rings. Set crumpets aside. Repeat, in 4 more batches, with remaining batter, greasing and reheating the pan and egg rings with oil between each batch.
    5. Serve crumpets with butter and honey.

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